Web-based, Mobile Apps
Web-based, Mobile Apps
React Native, AI
12 developers
600+ in-house employees of SotaTek provided full-cycle services for the client, a firm from Japan. Focusing on Beauty x AI technology, they aim to create a world where everyone can become their "Ideal Self".
This client reached out to us to develop a platform focusing on the beauty industry. The challenge was to use technology and AI application effectively, suggesting face tracking functionality as well as offering easy selection and user-friendly experience.
In order to tackle the challenge, the team collaborated with SotaTek's AI Engineering Team and researchers who are Ph.D. graduates from France with 9,10 years of Artificial Intelligence research expertise.
Viewty can take a picture of your skin, then utilizing AI application to measure and evaluate the skin condition (wrinkles, texture, stains, translucency, moisture, pores, skin quality, skin age) with 8 items. Based on this skin data, the cosmetics used at that time, and the data of other people with similar skin conditions, this mobile beauty app will generate a pure recommendation for you.
SotaTek launched this app on AppStore and GooglePlay after 5 months of developing and testing. From the release day to now, the number of downloads has exceeded 10,000, making it a reliable beauty app for those who want to acknowledge of their skin problems as well as suitable cosmetics.