
On June 22, the MOU signing was successfully held between SotaTek and JobHopin. This partnership aims to take advantage of our strength to bring Blockchain Solutions for Vietnamese enterprises.

A Brief of Blockchain Solutions in Vietnam

In Vietnam, Blockchain still has room for growth. However, the field is often misinterpreted as cryptocurrencies; or better known as an integral part of financial services. In fact, Blockchain can be applied in many industries. According to a report from CB Insights in 2021, Blockchain in the financial sector accounts for only 40% and the rest belong to companies in KYC (know-your-customer), agriculture, and entertainment.

No matter how potential it is, Blockchain adoption is still a difficult problem for both small and large corporations. This can be blamed for the budget shortage, lack of specialized skills and a solid Blockchain knowledge base.

Acknowledging these challenges, SotaTek and JobHopin decided to take advantage of our strength to help businesses develop Blockchain applications easily, efficiently and cost-effectively.

The MOU Signing between SotaTek and JobHopin

The representatives joining the event included:

  • Mr. Phuc Nguyen - Co-Founder & COO SotaTek 
  • Mr. Tung Nguyen - Founder & CEO JobHopin

At the event, both jointly developed a detailed cooperation plan in order to effectively exploit the resources as well as both competitive edge to achieve the set goals. 

This partnership is a golden chance for us to expand our customer base while supporting them to develop software and bring the best Blockchain solutions for their operation. At the end of the MOU signing, both parties commit to a long-term partnership, bringing value to Vietnamese businesses and speeding up their digital transformation process.

Let’s follow SotaTek and JobHopin to wait for our upcoming groundbreaking projects! 

About JobHopin

Launched in 2016, JobHopin is the first AI-based Recruitment Platform in Vietnam to analyze the market. This platform now can screen more than 50.000 CV each day, offering the best solutions for 4,000+ businesses and 10,000+ recruiters. Besides, it also serves as a reputable job search site, connecting attractive jobs to millions of users across Vietnam.

About SotaTek

SotaTek is a Five-star rated Software Development Company, with the largest number of Blockchain experts in Vietnam and even the Southeast area. We now have 8 offices in Vietnam, Japan, Australia and the US to seamlessly provide IT services for customers worldwide. 

Our IT experts have a strong base in Blockchain, Web/ App Development, CRM services, and AI & Machine Learning. After 7+ years of establishment, SotaTek is now honored to own more than 750+ employees who are the leading IT consultants and developers in Vietnam.Why not leave us a message right now to start your journey of digital transformation?

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